Tagged: Angelman Syndrome

Keeping it nice

There has been no blabbing for quite a while now. It is actually over 2 years since my last blab. Not because things have gone particularly pear-shaped for us here. We are fortunate to...

The Year of the Dog

The past 12 months has been pretty hectic, with Frankie’s Smart Pup Hercules arriving in March last year. 2018 actually was The Year of the Dog, and it certainly felt like it. I think...

Alice Springs

There has been no time for blabbing this year, we’ve had our hands full. We did manage to escape to the Outback for a bit though, so I thought it might be worth an...

Oh Canadia

We took a trip to Canada recently. It was pretty great. Of all the things that could have gone wrong in three weeks away (and there were many) nothing actually did. We had a...

Frankie Vibes

So, life with Frankie now. It’s been 9 months since Let’s Be Frank and over 18 months since Frankie came home from hospital after he sustained his brain injury. Thankfully he’s remained seizure free...

Say Hello…

Saying hello is good for everyone. There is even such a thing as World Hello Day. Celebrated each year on November 21, it provides everyday folk with an opportunity to express their concern for...

The party’s over

So our big night at the Triffid for Frankie is done and dusted. It was pretty amazing really. A full house of people we did, and didn’t know, ready to party on a Friday...